Town Garden 3
View from the retained patio
Sambucus nigra
New path gives definition to the lawn
Spring bulbs amongst the planting - Alliums
Curves in the existing patio
London Stock clay paver detail
Pink form of Salvia cardonna
Before and after lookiing towards the house
This long thin garden in Chiswick was really shady due to lots of large overgrown plants and the lawn lacked definition.
The existing patio was to stay and as this included a brick circle detail through the paving and some semi-circular beds in the side alley.
we carried this through, dividing the lawn into circles and adding a curvy path. A new garden building replaced the shed
at the end of the garden. Some key shrubs were kept, Osmanthus x burkwoodii and Hebe rakaiensis were added for extra
winter structure, and the rest infilled with perennials and ferns.